CCT Dispositions
(Captain Disposition)
Student Blackline Masters, Instructional Posters, rubrics And Drama items
Print Posters
Merit Awards
drama Items
Empowering students with the seven dispositions of successful learners
Students learn the “Calling Captain Disposition” song and sing it regularly
Print the Captain Disposition posters and display in all classrooms
Use classroom smartboards as billboards to ‘advertise’ the dispositions
Promote ‘Disposition of the Week’ across the school community (school newsletter, assembly item etc)
Hold a school ‘flash mob’ when Captain Disposition himself will visit the school
English – Students look for the 7 dispositions in storybook/movie characters (rubric)
History – Students look for the 7 dispositions in historical characters (rubric)
Class teachers frequently model the dispositions by ‘thinking out loud’ and making their thinking attitudes ‘visible’ to their students
Assess dispositions by giving students written feedback using the rubrics
Get students to self-assess their “seven superpowers for learning” using rubrics
Select students to receive merit awards for displaying the dispositions
“Thinking dispositions form the foundation for all learning and should underpin any educational program. They are critical to learning and to the transfer of learned material.”
More Merit Awards Coming Soon.